Monitoring report on Turkey’s Climate Change Action Plan

Monitoring report on Turkey’s Climate Change Action Plan

In 2011, Turkey released a Climate Change Action Plan, CCAP. Climate Change Action Plan is a unique plan that Turkey has. The plan does not have any greenhouse gas reduction or limitation target. CCAP covers actions in energy, buildings, industry, transportation, waste, agriculture, land use, forestry and adaptation between the year 2011 and 2023.

Climate Change Action Plan Assessment Report monitors actions and targets since the release of the CCAP. Assessment Report connects relations between actions/targets and climate change policies as well as provides data about progress. Main findings of the report would be summarized as below:

  • The CCAP is not transparent and open to the public in terms of actions and progress and proceeds closed to participation.
  • A portion of the actions consists of work that already had to be realized as a result of legislation or practices prior to the CCAP.
  • Some of the actions have already been completed before the CCAP.
  • Actions pertaining to the use of fossil fuels that are dangerous in terms of climate change exist in the CCAP while some actions, on the other hand, will cause the delay of main actions.
  • Whatever the qualities of greenhouse gas emissions reduction actions; a relation between the problem area and solutions have not been established.
  • There are 86 actions that are envisaged to be completed until 2013 in terms of climate change. Whereas, according to the report, some of the actions are not completed, delayed or still in progress.

The report is written by Önder Algedik on behalf of Tüvik-Der (Association of the Protection of Consumer and Climate) and supported by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Turkey Representation.

Please click here to see the full report in English.

Please click here to see the full report in Turkish.

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